Don't Miss the Eileen Myles FOR NOW Tour!


Don't Miss the Eileen Myles FOR NOW Tour!

September 24, 2020

Finally, some good news: For Now, the latest entry in our Why I Write series, is out now from Yale University Press! Praised by Kirkus as "a sharply etched, unvarnished self-portrait," For Now is a candid and funny study of one writer's life, as well as the universal complexities of place, identity, money, and vocation.

For Now is available pretty much everywhere books are sold, but we hope you'll consider buying your copy from one of the independent bookshops hosting tour events.

9/24 - 7:00 PM PT - Hugo House/Elliot Bay Books

9/29 - 6:00 PM PT - City Lights Bookstore

9/30 - 6:30 PM ET - The Ivy Bookshop

10/7 - 6:00 PM ET - Writers Guild at Bloomington

10/9 - 7:00 PM ET - The Harvard Bookstore

10/13 - 7:00 PM ET - Chicago Humanities Festival

10/14 - 7:00 PM ET - McNally Jackson

A sharply etched, unvarnished self-portrait. KIRKUS