Festival 2019
Legal Fictions: On the Intersection of Law and Literature
- Thursday, September 19
- 12:00 PM
- Whitney Humanities Center
- 53 Wall Street, Room 208
Fiction is the storyteller’s art. Readers are compelled forward by the movement of plot, the concision of language, and the clarity and force of argument. The same can also be said of the arguing of legal cases: the best story often wins. Camille Lizarríbar engages Danielle McLaughlin, fiction writer and former attorney, on the intersections of law and literature.
Camille Lizarríbar is Dean of Student Affairs and Senior Associate Dean of Yale College. Born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico, she earned her Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Harvard University and her J.D. from Harvard Law School. Prior to her current position, she served as the residential college dean of Ezra Stiles College for six years, and during that time she also served as dean of the Freshman Scholars at Yale (FSY) program for two years. As an instructor at Yale, Dean Lizarríbar has taught in the Directed Studies Program and currently teaches a seminar in the Humanities on the Boundaries of the Body in Law and Literature. Outside of the academy, Dean Lizarríbar has worked as an attorney in government and private practice, as a court interpreter, and as a translator. In her role as the Dean of Student Affairs, she plays a crucial role in promoting the values of the Yale College community. Her work focuses on developing and implementing a vision for a broad range of student-centered services that include campus climate, alcohol policies, student well-being, counseling, discipline, student organizations, housing, orientation, first-year counselors, and student activities.