Art of Playwriting

Festival 2018

Art of Playwriting

  • Thursday, September 13
  • 2:30 PM
  • Yale Cabaret
  • 217 Park Street
  • MAP

Professor Marc Robinson talks shop with two of America's finest playwrights, Lucas Hnathand Suzan-Lori Parks, at the Yale Cabaret.

Marc Robinson is Professor of English and Theater Studies at Yale University. He is also Professor in the Practice of Dramaturgy and Dramatic Criticism at the Yale School of Drama. His books include The American Play: 1787-2000 (winner of the George Jean Nathan award) and The Other American Drama. In addition, he is the editor of three books: The Myopia and Other Playsby David Greenspan, The Theater of Maria Irene Fornes, and Altogether Elsewhere: Writers on Exile.

Co-sponsors: Yale Cabaret, Yale School of Drama, Theater Studies